
Saturday, September 18, 2010

Why nice guys seem to finish last...

So why do nice guys never seem to get the girl? It’s not because women like jerks. It’s more the persona they give off that we find attractive. Let me explain…

My friends and I have had our share our guy troubles and it seems that every time we talk about them we come to the same conclusion. Boys are kinda clueless. Don’t get us wrong - we like guys - but they just need to man up sometimes.

This is why we seem to be attracted to the ‘jerks’. Jerks are assertive and make decisions. They take control. We don’t appreciate it when they treat us like dirt though, no matter how much we seem to not mind their insensitivity.

Nice guys have the personality we want; kind, romantic, funny, thoughtful, etc. But they don’t take charge. They don’t want to rush things and are pretty shy. Sometimes that’s a good thing, but we still want them to be confident. If you’re a guy and are shy about asking a girl to dance because of fear of rejection, DON’T BE! Ask her to dance, converse, get to know her. In other words – TAKE CHARGE! You can still be sweet and a ‘nice’ guy but you need to show a woman that you can still stand up for yourself and go for what you want. That’s what we find attractive about the ‘jerks’. They aren’t afraid to just go up and talk to a girl and ask her out.

An example I found that sums this up:
1) A nice guy takes a girl on a date, she arrives and he asks where she wants to go & where she wants to go. Nice guys don’t have a plan, they’re so worried about losing the girl that they will avoid making any decisions in case they upset or offend her.
2) A nice guy arranges to meet a girl, and when she arrives he says ‘OK, which do you like more, Chinese or Italian?’ She says, ‘Chinese’. He takes her hand and says ‘awesome, I know this amazing Chinese, we’re going there.

DING DING! Number 2 is our winner! See the difference? Okay - so guys, take control, but don’t be jerks about it. And you won’t finish last.

(I know not all guys are like this. This is just a generalization.)

I give all the credit for my examples that I found to this website where I found them: 


“Hello! Welcome to my very first blog!”

I guess I should start by introducing myself. But I’m gonna start off a little different from most. As is the Aggie tradition, I’ll introduce myself in that fashion.

Howdy! My name is Kristin Rayfield and I am a junior Psychology major from San Antonio, TX. But more importantly, I am the loudest and proudest (and not to mention probably the shortest J) member of the Fightin’ Texas Aggie Class of 2012! WHOOP!

Haha now that we’ve got that settled I’ll explain what exactly I’m planning to blog about. Essentially, it’s gonna be about living, laughing, and loving (hence the name of my blog’s title). Of course I’ll also have some bad days that I’ll probably post about as well. Getting back to the subject, I’m going to post any and everything about everyday life; friends, school, life, music, ideas, movies and love, etc.

A quote that I came across the other day gave me some inspiration about this:
If you have anything really valuable to contribute to the world it will come through the expression of your own personality, that single spark of divinity that sets you off and makes you different from every other living creature.  ~Bruce Barton
In other words, everything I write is going to represent my personality via blogging. It’s gonna be pretty interesting to see how it works out.

If you want to know more about me just click ‘About Me’ on my links! Hope you enjoy my blog!